Summer Garden Guide: June Tasks

Summer Garden Guide: June Tasks

With the summer season upon us, there is so much that you can do in your garden! From prolonging your spring-flowering plants to making sure your fruit and veg are harvested on time, and even keeping an eye on those sneaky pests that always find their way in.

Week 1

thermometer iconBy now the weather should be warming up a lot. Take extra care of the plants in your greenhouse – open vents on warmer days and shade them when possible to keep plants at a good temperature. If you need a new greenhouse, check out our great deals here.

Pruning icon

Prune your spring-flowering shrubs to keep them going through summer.

Deadhead icon

Deadhead flowers from your bedding plants and shrubs. This will encourage more blooms, prolonging your garden's colourful displays.

Week 2

Stake tall plants icon

Any tall plants can be tied to stakes this month to stop them falling over. This will help them grow neatly over summer, giving them the best chance of blooming.

Hanging basket iconMove hanging baskets out of cover so they can flourish in the sun.

Bird feeder icon

Birds will be making more of an appearance in your garden over summer. Be sure to keep putting food out for them to keep them coming back and helping your plants out! If you want a new bird table, check out our high quality ones here.

Week 3

Plant out summer bedding icon

Plant out summer bedding now, ready to move container plants into later on. Make sure it is kept well watered in these early stages for best results.

Protect crops icon

Make sure you protect any crops you need to with fruit cages or netting to keep pests, squirrels and birds away from your crops.

Planters on decking icon

Use container plants to give your decking, patio or corners a more colourful feel. This is perfect if you’re planning on spending time outside at weekends or evenings. If you need new planters, check out our great range here.

Week 4

Lettuce Icon

Any salad crops that were planted earlier in the year can now be harvested. Perfect timing for a summer salad full of colour.

Pinching Out Icon

If you want a thicker and fuller bloom this summer, be sure to pinch out shoot tips to encourage branching.

Houseplant iconq

Don’t forget about your houseplants! Keep an eye out for any signs of disease or damage to keep your house as colourful as your garden.